Having a great deal of experience within the education sector, our team includes Operational management, H&S advisor, Chief Financial Officer, HR consultant in the academy sector, IT management, Senior Information Services manager, Director of IT and a Chief Information Officer in the independent sector. A DPO with extensive knowledge of GDPR and a Cyber security expert in the business world.
Our portal provides the information needed to aid the smooth operational running of a school, whether you are an Academy, MAT or SAT, Special School, Free School, Independent School, or Maintained School. We would love to partner with you and provide audits and consultancy in the area your school most needs.
Our vision
Our vision is to provide a must-have toolbox for school senior leaders, especially School Business Managers who have to Juggle so many areas, to ensure they have the information at hand to mitigate the challenges of compliance across a school. Providing reassurance for the Headteacher, Trustees and governors that compliance is in place and evidenced.
Meet the Team
Nicky CEO
Has extensive knowledge in HR, H&S Risk Management, Schools compliance and senior leadership.
Adrian Co Founder
Can guide you through the minefield of IT, Cyber security, GDPR.